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    TheNYNoc 停止洛杉矶机房VPS服务并转移已有洛杉矶VPS至纽约机房

    2009年12月8日 上午 | 作者:VPS侦探



    Dear shijun li,
    If you do not have services with us in Los Angeles, then this email does not apply to you and can be discarded.  If you do have services with us in Los Angeles, please read more below.

    As of December 10th, we will be discontinuing our Los Angeles hosting services due to issues with our current LA service provider.  We would like to keep you as a client still so we are offering to move your account to our New York location as well as discount your current fee by 25% on your renewal of services with us.

    We realize this is a small time frame to move but it is the time frame the provider just gave us minutes ago as they are not cooperating with us.

    Please accept our sincerest apologies for this issue and we hope you will accept our offer to move to our NY location.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to open a support ticket.  *Do not reply to this email as it does not get checked*

    Thank you for your time.

    TheNYNOC 一年2个月60$-512M内存10GB空间1000GB流量

    2009年10月10日 下午 | 作者:VPS侦探

    TheNYNOC 年付,额外赠送两个月,购买请在留言框注明:2 months free,本周(美国时间)内有效。
    Super VPS Special
    512MB RAM
    10GB Space
    1,000GB Transfer
    1 IP Address
    $5/month (with annual payment)


    Thenynoc.com 免费升级到2GB内存和加50GB空间

    2009年07月7日 上午 | 作者:VPS侦探

    下单时在comments里面填上:WHT FREE RAM/HD Upgrade!     才能获得上述升级。

    Super VPS #1
    10GB Space (Free upgrade to 60GB Space)
    512MB RAM (Free upgrade to 2GB Space)
    1,000GB Transfer
    1 IP Address

    3 Month Price: $14/month
    6 Month Price: $12/month
    12 Month Price: $10/month


    查看全文 »

    TheNYNoc VPS 5美元起,年付免费赠送2个月

    2009年03月26日 上午 | 作者:VPS侦探

    www.thenynoc.com ,据说有4.5年的空间服务历史,美国的DC位置有纽约,洛杉矶,德州。www.lnmp.org 这个域名就是绑在thenynoc VPS上的,大家可以测试一下,是洛杉矶机房的。

    域名:www.lnmp.org    IP:

    VPS测速 100MB文件

    查看全文 »

    代管Directadmin VPS第一个月优惠50%

    2009年03月20日 上午 | 作者:VPS侦探

    The New York NOC Inc. (www.thenynoc.com)现在下订单,将会享受此优惠。




    Test IP NY Location:

    Test IP LA Location:
